All Thanks to God

Thank you for your generosity! As you invest in God’s Kingdom, lives are changed forever.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7

Ways to Give

Automatic Bank Pay*

An easy and safe way to give a recurring gift through your checking or savings account. Simply go to your bank’s website and log on to your account. Follow their instructions for automatic bill pay and set up Cuyahoga Valley Church as a payee. Please designate in the memo section of your electronic check what fund(s) you’d like your donation to go to: Operating, Benevolence, Scholarship, or Adoption. There is no cost to CVC for this service.

*Preferred Method

Online Giving

Now available through your bank/credit card, this option is safe, secure, easy, and fast. You can choose to make contributions one time or on a recurring schedule. If you give with your credit card, we encourage you to pay your entire balance off each month. Please note: We accept ACH (.45/donation), Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express (avg fee 3.5% per transaction).

In Person

When you’re at CVC, you can always place your check (payable to CVC) or cash in one of the boxes located at each Worship Center or main entrance exit. We have giving envelopes available at the information desk. You can also request personalized giving envelopes.

Through the Mail

You can always mail a check (payable to CVC) directly to us at the following address: Cuyahoga Valley Church 5055 E. Wallings Road Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147

Text to Give

Text “Give” to (440) 827-2454 if you’d like to give via text. This service costs the church 1-3% of the gift. (1% for ACH – 3% for credit card)

Mobile App

Download the CVC App here using the App Store on your phone. This service costs the church 1-3% of the gift.

Other Ways to Give

Maximizing Your Charitable Gifts

As you think about what you will return back to the Lord in your year-end giving, please consider CVC. Click Here to view our 2023 End of Year Generous Giving Guide. In it you will find information on the various ways to faithfully steward the resources God has given you.

Assets and Other Planned Gifts

If you have stocks, bonds, or other assets that you would like to donate, contact our Accounting Manager, Jackie Praskavich.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pray! Ask God to direct your giving. The Bible refers to using 10% of your income as a basis for knowing how much to give. The key is to give regularly, generously, and cheerfully. Why? Jesus said this, “…where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). The Bible also tells us in 2 Corinthians 9:7 that “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Giving is part of God’s design for Christ followers, and it is one of the ways we worship Him.

All contributions are used to fulfill our mission of “Inviting people to new life in Christ.” Our goal is that every ministry initiative allows us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Operating Fund is how we fund all of our ministry and operating expenses. In addition, you will see options for Campus Capital (capital improvements at our Brunswick location and future campuses), Benevolence (financial assistance for those in our body who are in need), Scholarships (youth events, summer and winter camps, etc.), and Adoption (financial assistance for those in our body who are adopting a child).

The two best ways are making your contribution electronically through your bank’s automated bill paying service or our website with an automated clearinghouse transaction (ACH) transaction. There is typically no fee or low fee associated with these types of transactions.

Online giving is the process where you authorize your bank to deduct a specified amount from your debit card, credit card, or bank account. We have partnered with BluePay ( and Aware3 (CVC app) to make this process simple and secure. You choose your giving frequency and amount, and you can change it or stop it at any time. There is a convenience fee charged to the church for this type of giving. If you use a credit card, please pay off the balance each month so you do not incur any debt.

Yes. CVC pays some fees, depending on the card used, for the convenience of having online transactions. We encourage you to take a “no fee” route when you give by making your contribution directly through your bank’s automated bill paying service (automated clearinghouse transaction, commonly called ACH). There is typically no fee associated with this type of transaction. The next cheapest option is making an electronic donation through your MyCVC account ( from your bank account. The fee for this type of transaction is $.45 per donation.

Yes. You can designate your contribution to any of our 5 funds:

  • Operating (funds all of our ministry and operating expenses)
  • Campus Capital (capital improvements at our Brunswick location or future campuses)
  • Benevolence (financial assistance for those in our body who are in need)
  • Scholarships (youth events, summer and winter camps, etc.)
  • Adoption (financial assistance for those in our body who are adopting a child)

You can split up your contribution as you see fit.

Yes, you can stop your recurring donation, change the frequency, or change the amount at any time. Just log into your MyCVC account to make the changes. If your donation was made through the CVCapp, the changes must also be made through the CVCapp.

MyCVC is one of your key communication links to staying in touch with CVC. You basically set up your own private CVC information file. Once you’re in, you can receive emails and text messages from your LifeGroup or Volunteer team leaders, set up and monitor your recurring giving, look at your contributions (you are the only one who can see this), check the church calendar, and access sign up forms. You can also sign up to receive churchwide communications using our CVC News form. You determine how and when we communicate with you by turning your communication settings on or off. You can also keep your contact information up to date for email, address, home and cell phones to ensure that you stay connected.

You simply log into your MyCVC account and update your financial institution information.

Yes. We work with BluePay and Aware3, companies that works with churches and other nonprofits as well as commercial enterprises for credit card and other electronic transactions. BluePay and Aware3 complies with PCI DSS standards, meaning that they maintain the highest standards of payment security to keep your information safe.

Yes. We will continue to mail these to you quarterly. You can also go online to your MyCVC account and look up your contributions.

Jackie Praskavich,
Accounting Director


Annual Report

View the 2022 Annual Report