
Managing Money God’s Way (part 2)

Managing Money God’s Way (part 2)

Did you know that there are 2,350 verses in the Bible related to money and possessions? God has a lot to say about finances and how you are to manage what God has given you. In Managing Money God’s Way, we will introduce you to the basic concepts of Biblical wisdom for your money and possessions with the intent of putting you on the path to finding financial freedom, one of cornerstones to living a generous life.

Topics covered include:

  • The Emotion of Money
  • What is a Steward?
  • How to Create and Manage a Budget
  • Eliminating Debt
  • How to live a Generous Life

This two-part class will be held at our Brunswick Campus on January 18 and February 1 from 9am-Noon. Register HERE!