
Recent Articles

Here are a few practical ideas from CVC Staff and Elders on fleeing from sin as we continue in our \"Light in Chaos\" summer study from the book of 1 John. Parent your phone! My kids go down at 8:30 PM. You should put your phone to bed then also. \"But it\'s my alarm clock!\"…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Pastor Rick Duncan God’s aim for our salvation is that we actually become like Jesus (Romans 8:29). C.S Lewis wrote, “The Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs.  If they are not doing that. all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself are simply…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

As our mission team prepares to serve in Cuba, your prayers are crucial to the success of their efforts and the impact they will have. This prayer guide is designed to help you accompany our team on their journey through dedicated and thoughtful prayer each day. Commit to Pray: To strengthen our collective prayer effort,…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Pastor Rick Duncan In order to teach us how to pray effectively, Jesus gave us a Model Prayer, commonly called the Lord’s Prayer. Through the centuries, Christians have used Jesus’ pattern as a way to stay focused and fervent in prayer. Christian leaders have also seen a pattern for prayer in the architectural layout of…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Pastor Rick Duncan put together some resources to help you enter into the joy and peace of God\'s presence in your daily life.  Practical suggestions have been selected from the devotional classic The Practice of the Presence of God to help you. Read the thought for the day.  Open your Bible and slowly read and…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Are you looking for some fresh ideas and encouragement in order to lead and love your family better?  Mike Hopkins is a long-time CVC member and leader. In his professional career, he is also COO of Paul Davis Restoration.  On the podcast linked below, Mike is interviewed by \"Iron Sharpens Iron\" host Nick Dadas. They…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

In Pastor Rick\'s Sermon on the 7th Commandment this week, he mentioned several resources that we thought it would be helpful to share. Below you will find 4 steps that can be a great way to begin the process of healing and restoration. We\'ve provided several resources under each step.  Self-Assessment He/She needs a baseline of understanding…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

On Self-defense On Capital Punishment On Just War On Killing. Are there exceptions? On the killing of the Canaanites CVC’s Essential Beliefs on Cultural Issues

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

The theologian John Calvin once famously said, “The heart is an idol factory.” Something gets us out of bed in the morning and gets us going. Money, jobs, kids, hobbies, comfort, happiness, and the list goes on. Everyone is driven by something. Everyone has an idol. What are idols? Idols are anything more important to…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Pastor Rick Duncan Introducing the Ten Commandments and covering Commandments #1 and #2 The Westminster Confession and catechisms were penned in the 1640’s. It was a dynamic and complex period of British history. King Charles I and his royalist army were at war with the English Parliament, led by Oliver Cromwell. Amidst the bloody civil…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
Rocky Mountain Under White Sky

The miraculous is the elephant in the room for some people—but here are a couple of concepts to consider.

By Rick Duncan
man sitting on sofa

Hard-heartedness is not just a present-day problem. An ancient Egyptian Pharoah once displayed a hard heart. In fact, he\'s famous for it.

By Kyle Gustafson