Pastor Rick Duncan put together some resources to help you enter into the joy and peace of God’s presence in your daily life. Practical suggestions have been selected from the devotional classic The Practice of the Presence of God to help you.
Read the thought for the day. Open your Bible and slowly read and think about the passage that is suggested. You may want to pray the prayer provided at the end of the brochure. It’s our prayer that you and those you love will experience real joy as you learn to live more and more in God’s presence!
Offer what you have to do to God before you do it and give thanks for having done it afterwards.
Scripture: Psalm 139:7-12
Do not necessarily alter what you do, but do for God what you commonly do for yourself.
Scripture: Acts 17:24-28
Make a chapel of your heart to which you can from time to time withdraw to have gentle, loving communion with God.
Scripture: Psalm 73:23-28
Do not trouble yourself if you go for a long time without thinking about God, but confess your weakness and return to Him with all the more confidence for having sensed such weakness in forgetting Him.
Scripture: John 15:4-8
Remember that God asks from you an occasional remembrance, a small act of worship, now to beg His grace, at times to offer Him your distresses, at another time to give thanks.
Scripture: Isaiah 66:1-2
Dear Father,
I know that in Your presence is fullness of joy. Yet, too often, I find myself forgetting You in the busyness of life. Please forgive me. You are the Source of all that I am and all that I do. You are ever present.
Help me to connect with You and to always see You as the Source of Life. Help me to see You in every place, every person, and every problem.
As I live this way, may I be more holy and more joyful. You made me to fellowship with You continually. May I make a chapel of my heart.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.