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Serve at CVC
Serve with Your Gifts
At CVC, we believe the calling of God in our lives doesn’t end with just going to church services and LifeGroups. God’s desire and plan is for us to serve hurting, lonely, and needy people both inside and outside the church.
Too often, God’s people withdraw from the culture and hang out in holy huddles without ever truly engaging the brokenness in our world. That’s not true at CVC. We provide encouragement, opportunities, and equipping so that every CVCer can truly show God’s love by serving others in our everyday lives. We expect every believer to develop a dynamic vision for serving the broken people around us. We seek to serve in ways so that we actually begin to see Jesus restore lives, families, and communities.
Throughout CVC, there are opportunities for you to invest your time and talent, depending on your gifts and passions. Whether that’s serving with children, helping with technical arts, leading a LifeGroup, or something else, we have plenty of opportunities to volunteer your time. Ultimately, our goal is to help you find the right fit. If you’re not sure of your strengths, we recommend you find our your spiritual gifts through this free online spiritual gifts inventory before applying to volunteer. It just may help you find your fit!
If you have previous experience volunteering in a specific area or just can’t decide, feel free to express interested in multiple areas. We’ll you walk you through which opportunities have the greatest need or might be the best fit for you.