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By Pastor Nate Green Throughout human history every person has asked the following questions: What is my purpose? Why am I here? The Westminster Shorter Catechism answers this question with: The chief end of man is to glorify God and, and to enjoy Him forever. This statement sums up what the Bible teaches about our…
“All things are lawful” (6:12; 10:23), BUT… Will this help me and others or harm me and others (6:12a)? Will this free me or enslave me (6:12b)? Will this cause my brothers to stand or to stumble (8:9, 13)? Will this build up or tear down (10:23)? Will this result in good for my neighbor…
By Brenda Leisinger, Generous Life Director OK, so you are probably thinking, what does giving have to do with worship. If you are like me you grew up thinking worship was all about the music, otherwise why would the music director be called the Worship Pastor? Well, I found out later that worship was about…
By Nate Green, Worship Pastor No one enjoys suffering. Suffering is difficult. Whether it’s suffering for doing what’s right, or going through trials that God has allowed for various purposes that we may not understand, both are hard. So how do we continue to worship God in the midst of suffering? Let’s start by acknowledging…
By Nate Green, Worship Pastor Worship is a declaration of faith in God. When we worship God, we get our eyes off ourselves and others and set our hearts on God, the only one who supersedes all things. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). Therefore, large portions of this worship topic…
By Nate Green, Worship Pastor Let me begin by saying that I don’t fully understand God’s presence (obviously!), so this isn’t comprehensive, but what I write here are things that we know are true about God’s presence from His revealed Word to us. God’s Word is living and active, His presence isn’t something to just…
By Nate Green, Worship Pastor There are so many worship songs that are widely available and accessible to the church these days. This is good because God’s Word encourages and commands us to “sing a new song to the Lord” (see Psalm 96:1, 98:1, 144:9 and Isaiah 42:10). The challenge for worship leaders is which…
Blessings promised to those that fear the Lord A blessed life. Proverbs 28:14Divine Wisdom. Psalm 111:10Spiritual Knowledge. Proverbs 1:7God\'s Mercy. Luke 1:50God\'s friendship. Psalm 25:14An aid in our Fight against Sin. Exodus 20:20 Characteristics of the God-fearing person 1. Intimacy with God. Psalm 25:142. Never speaks disrespectfully about God. Malachi 3:16-173. Honor the Word of God. Isaiah…
Elders, staff, and members of Cuyahoga Valley Church have rightfully been concerned about the response to sexual abuse among the 47,000 Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) churches that make up the Convention in North America. A seven-month investigation was carried out by Guidepost Solutions, an independent company hired by the SBC Executive Committee (EC) after delegates…
Those of us who remember 911, remember where we were when we heard the tragic news and watched the traumatizing videos. May today be a day where we remember where we were when we heard the good news that Roe V Wade was overturned! What a righteous and historical win after decades of faithful prayer…
CVC Kids Recommended Resources Article - Advice I’d Give Myself if I Were Starting Over as a Dad The Gospel Coalition - Fatherhood Resources Book - Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family Book - Shepherding a Child\'s Heart Book - A Neglected Grace: Family Worship in the Christian Home
Website: Voice of the Martyrs Website: Open Doors Book: When Faith is Forbidden Article: Resources to Teach Kids About the Persecuted Church Book: Jesus Freaks, Revised and Updated: Stories of Those Who Stood for Jesus, the Ultimate Jesus Freaks Book Series: Christian Heroes Book: New Foxe\'s Book of Martyrs
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