Dear CVC Family,
I pray that you are all staying close to our Savior during this difficult time. Psalm 62:2 reminds us that God alone is our rock and our foundation. He remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. We can rely on Him at ALL times!
Our Mission remains the same: “Inviting People to New Life in Christ! Our mission does not go on hold in a crisis, it increases! The spiritual climate is right for a lost world to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so we want to ramp up our evangelistic efforts to share the Good News to a world that desperately needs to hear it. Think about it…we could be heading into the biggest season of harvest that we have ever seen. We need to engage with it and share the light of Jesus to a lost and broken world. We’re not planning to slow down our ministry at all. At the same time, our leadership recognizes that we need to do more with less money.
We have already put a plan in place to reduce expenses. The plans listed below have been approved by our Elders, Leadership Team, and Stewardship Team.
- Spending freeze. We’re only doing essential spending with prior approval from our Executive Pastor of Administration or our Accounting Manager
- Hiring freeze
- We had a few additional hires at various stages in the hiring process just before the COVID crisis began (Women’s Director, CVCYouth Assistant Director, Young Adult Director, Strongsville Campus positions). These have been placed on hold for now.
- Defer the campus public serve launch to 2021. We still want to reach the people of Strongsville and the surrounding communities, we just won’t have a physical facility at this time.
- Cut 2020 Annual Ministry Budgets to 2018 levels or 25% less, whichever is lower
- Cut 2020 Annual Missions Budget 20%
- Cut 2020 Capital Expenditures
- Eliminate the 2020 403b Employee Retirement Payments effective 3/29/20
- 10% Pay Reduction for all full-time staff effective 3/29/20
- Cut part time hours
These cuts amount to approximately $775,000 or 21.5% of our 2020 Operating Budget. We will continue to monitor contributions and expenses on an ongoing basis to determine if additional adjustments (up or down) will be needed. I know these cuts are significant and are impacting all of us. Our prayer is that they will be short lived, but only the Lord knows for sure.
Our goal is to provide more effective ministry in new and different ways with less money. We all have a unique opportunity for increased ministry! God has placed us here “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). Let’s continue to be faithful to pray, care, and share. We’ve got a lot of ground to take for the Kingdom! Remember that our CVC team is available if you need help. Let us know if you need help at Stay close to God, stay healthy, and stay engaged with our church family.
Live New,
Pastor Chad