Gospel Transformation: CVCYouth Pastor Joe Valenti closes out our series in The Essential Gospel by teaching through Ephesians 4:25-32. Embracing the Gospel of Jesus is more than a one-time event of saying a prayer.
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Join us as we examine how God’s word directs us to enjoy spiritual fellowship.
Gospel Transformation: CVCYouth Pastor Joe Valenti closes out our series in The Essential Gospel by teaching through Ephesians 4:25-32. Embracing the Gospel of Jesus is more than a one-time event of saying a prayer.
Putting on the New Self: Lead Pastor Chad Allen teaches this week through Ephesians 4:17-24.
Grace, Gifts and Growth: A question to get you thinking before service tomorrow: have you identified your spiritual gifting? If yes, have you found a way to use that gift for ministry? If you aren’t sure what you’re gifted in or what that even means, consider this: what are the things you are able to do, are passionate about, and have been affirmed in by others? Some giftings are quite tangible, like teaching. Others can be a bit harder to nail down, like hospitality.
Gospel Fueled Prayers: When we think of loving one another well, what’s the first image that comes to mind? For a lot of us, we probably conjured up a time where we served someone. Maybe you helped a friend move or brought over a meal after a child was born.
Our Gospel Calling: What is your calling in life? If you’ve thought about that question at length before, maybe your immediate answer would be career or family focused. Maybe you realize your passion and purpose is to serve others. In Western American culture, we put most of that emphasis on our jobs, on the things we do.
A Gospel of Family: Lead Pastor Chad Allen teaches through Ephesians 2:19-22.
A Gospel of Peace: The Gospel reminds us that in Christ, God purchased peace between us and Him and provided peace between us and other believers. Join us as Lead Pastor Chad Allen teaches through Ephesians 2:11-18.
New Life: Think about the worst things you’ve ever done. Or think about the most hurtful things you’ve ever said. Or think about the darkest thoughts you’ve ever considered.
The Gospel of Power: The Gospel is not simply good news for someday…it is good new for today. Knowing that good news and know who Jesus is brings a unique kind of power to our lives. It isn’t political, financial, or social power. No, it’s the kind of strength that isn’t dependent on our circumstances or actions. It’s dependent on the completed work of Jesus Christ on the cross!
Our Gospel Inheritance: When you think of the word inheritance, what comes to mind? It’s usually money, assets, items, or maybe a house. We think of things. The Apostle Paul uses that word, inheritance, to encourage the church in Ephesus though.
Reminded of What We’ve Been Given: Nobody got through 2020 completely unscathed. We all lost something or someone last year. Even just the idea of stability, of waking up knowing what to expect, was taken away from all of us. It’s understandable then that our thoughts and conversations so often turn to everything we’ve lost.
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