Taking the Baton – Resources


We need to take the baton of the gospel from Paul and the early church, run our leg of the race, and pass it successfully to the next generation is if we are daily empowered by the Holy Spirit. Only then we will be bold, effective, and passionate in our evangelism. Only then we will be willing to invest our time, money, and perhaps even where we live in order to plant new churches. Only then we will we clear time in our schedules to disciple others. Only then will be have the guts to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

On Sunday I shared about 4 Parts of a Great Chapter:

  • Holy Spirit Empowered Evangelism
  • Holy Spirit Empowered Church Planting
  • Holy Spirit Empowered Disciple-Making 
  • Holy Spirit Empowered Unreached Reaching

Here’s a few resources I’ve found helpful in pursuing evangelism, church planting, disciple-making, and unreached reaching.