Be Missional this Sunday!

silhouette of three people sitting on cliff under foggy weather

This weekend we have a unique opportunity to be LifeHouses. Many of us will have neighbors showing up at our door as they and their children walk from house-to-house collecting candy. What are some ways we can shine the light of Christ to them?

Here are a few ideas from our team!

  • Place a prayer request basket out in the driveway where parents stand. People will likely not fill them out, but you might get one. You will also be letting your neighbors know that you’re a person of prayer and that you care for them.
  • Include a Bible verse attached to every piece of candy.
  • Set out an article for parents on “how to talk to children about Christ and Spiritual Warfare”
  • Be intentional in getting to know neighbors. Place a portable firepit in the driveway and encourage neighbors to sit with you while you all hand out candy.
  • Participate in CVC’s Trunk or Treat on Saturday! This is a great way to get in the community. You can even invite a neighbor to join you!
  • Say a silent prayer over every child that comes to the door.
  • Open your garage and decorate it for the adults to chat and have coffee, cider, and donuts while decorating your yard for the kids with tons of inflatables! You would become a definite stop on the trick-or-treating route, and it’s a great way to meet neighbors!
  • Be unique and fun in a way that will draw kids and parents if you are staying home and handing out candy. Put out corn hole boards and have kids try to throw bags into the holes to win a large candy bar in addition to the candy you’re already handing out. Have invite cards for CVC handy if conversations turn that direction.
  • Bake cinnamon bread for your neighbors!
  • Offer to babysit an infant for a neighbor so both parents can trick-or-treat with older children on a cold, rainy, windy night.