April Updates!


Hi CVC Family!

How awesome to see more sunshine these days! We wanted to give you a few updates as we dive into April.

We have been so blessed by the stories within our church family of those who are finding ways to serve others.  Delivering food to single parents and others in need, making masks, helping with Meals on Wheels, and serving nursing homes are just a few of the ways that our church family is stepping up to help. 

Pastor Rick Eimers is continually looking for ways to help those in our church family and in the surrounding communities.

Want to help serve? If you are willing to pick up groceries, medications, do laundry, or even pray for someone in need, please text @cvcdr to the number 81010 to be added to our “CVC GO” group.

On that note, if you need help, please let us know!

We hope you’re finding ways to stay connected with your LifeGroup! If you’re not already in a LifeGroup, we encourage you to check out our CVC Group Finder or e-mail lifegroups@cvconline.org so we can help you plug in to a LifeGroup.

We’re so thankful for you. We’ve been talking more about online giving, and we’re so grateful that you’ve responded! We typically use our weekly Worship Guide (you know…the bulletins we hand out on Sundays) to give you financial updates periodically. Since we can’t do that right now, we figured we’d let you know this way that our contributions are currently coming in at 91% of our budget. As you hopefully know by now, we’ve been proactive in making adjustments to our budget so that our church can stay strong. For more information on how to give online, check out www.cvconline.org/give.

We hope you’ve been able to jump into our 30 Day Challenge as well! The challenge follows along with our 2020 Bible Reading plan, but instead of just reading this month, we’ll be reading, writing, praying, and sharing from our time in the Word. We hope you’ll join us!

We look forward to “seeing” you Sunday morning for our Worship Services online at 9:30am and 11am.

Live New!

The CVC Team