Brunswick Campus

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Women’s Ministry

The women's ministry at CVC exists for the equipping, discipleship, and development of women in their faith.

The goal of this ministry is to help women come to know the Lord more deeply by growing in knowledge of and confidence in His Word. We desire to have a women’s ministry where women can come to find new life in Christ, and where they can continue to grow in their Christian walk while in community with other women.

Women’s LifeGroups

Women’s Life Groups are for all ladies desiring to grow deeper in their knowledge and walk with God. They include a large group worship and teaching time, with a Life Group study/discussion/prayer format.

An Invitation to Know and Love God Well
Who is God? What is God like? Who are we? What is our purpose in life? We will answer these and many more questions using Jenn Wilkin and J.T. English’s book, “You are a Theologian.”  Join us every Wednesday starting January 15th from 6:30-8:00 pm. We will have times of prayer, worship, being in the Word, and testimonies. Cost is free, books and workbooks are provided. Register online to reserve a copy of your book.

To register for this study, please click here.


MOMtourage is a ministry for mothers of young children ages infant through Kindergarten , together in community, celebrating the joys of motherhood as they gain wisdom for the struggles and find camaraderie in the journey.  Our next session begins on Thursday, 9.11.24 and meets monthly on the second Tuesday of each month from September-May.  To register, click here.  

To find a LifeGroup that fits your needs, use our LifeGroup Finder.

Text “Connect” to 440.276.5575.

If you have questions, or to express interest in being a LifeGroup Leader, contact our LifeGroup Connector.