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Based on everything we know about Jesus – so loving, so kind, so merciful, so forgiving – we might expect Him to maximize heaven and minimize hell. We want a. Jesus who has a friendly tone all the time. We want a Jesus where there’s not really any wrath or anger or judgment. Surely Jesus is going to highlight the love of God and lowlight the justice of God when He talks about judgment day. Right?

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

This past weekend, we spent time and energy focusing on the phrase from the Apostles’ Creed “from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.“ 

Meditating about the judgment to come is not the most popular of topics. But Christians who have gone before us have summarized the judgment in some helpful historical documents.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

This song is rich and deep in theology, and it connects so well with where we’re at in “The Creed” sermon series, it was an easy choice to use this beautiful song in our services this past weekend.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Kevin Lorrow, Cuyahoga Valley Church Worship Arts Assistant \"Alone in my sorrow and dead in my sin Lost without hope with no place to begin Your love Made a way to let mercy come in When death was arrested and my life began...\" We first started singing this song in our services at Easter…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

For all who believe, death is defeated and life is attained by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. It always has been. It always will be.  

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

For those with more questions about Sunday\'s Sermon on whether Christ really did descend into hell. Here are my full (and unedited) sermon notes as I prepared for week 6 of the Because We Believe series. I hope you\'ll find them helpful.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Last weekend I taught about God as our Father and us as His children.  There are times when we may doubt our salvation or identity as God’s child, or performance and works thinking will flood our minds or heart....

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Conscientious parents often fill up their shelves with great books on how to parent well. That’s not a bad idea. But we know that the best book on parenting is the Bible. When you explore the Bible, however, you will find only a few passages of scripture that deal directly with the topic of parenting. That doesn’t…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Please read through this scenario to help you prepare for this weekend’s message. You might want to read it as a family. You’ll find a few questions at the end to use for reflection and conversation.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Chad Allen, Cuyahoga Valley Church Lead Pastor Now, I know what you are thinking, because I have thought it many times myself... I look at that list and think, yah.. patience... not rocking it there, or Self-control... what’s that?  IF God has given us this fruit of the Spirit how come it seems like…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Instead, let’s learn to pray 7 specific prayers for specific missionaries and planters we know, love, and support. We want them to be received by God’s people as “angels of God.”

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

When I am humble, I can keep changing… for the better.

What lessons has God been seeking to teach you through others that you have been too proud to learn?

By Cuyahoga Valley Church