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“This is the very first time I have read the Word of God with a clear understanding because it is written in my language! I do not really understand the Scripture in the national language.”

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

This post continues the series we began earlier this week. Why do we believe that an ancient book has real relevance for today? Last time, we took a look at the witness of fulfilled prophecy. Today... The witness of personal transformation The British pastor C.H. Spurgeon said that a Bible which is falling apart usually…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

This post continues the series we began earlier this week. Why do we believe that an ancient book has real relevance for today? Last time, we took a look at the witness of eyewitness credibility. Today... The witness of fulfilled prophecy There are dozens and dozens of prophecies made about Jesus in the Old Testament:…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Rick Duncan, Founding Pastor This post continues the series we began earlier this week. Why do we believe that an ancient book has real relevance for today? Last time, we took a look at the witness of manuscript reliability. Today... The witness of eyewitness credibility Most biblical scholars agree that the NT documents were…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

This post continues the series we began yesterday. Why do we believe that an ancient book has real relevance for today? Yesterday, we took a look at the witness of internal consistency. Today... The witness of manuscript reliability The reliability of the Bible is often challenged by critics. But if you see the Bible as…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

The Bible claims to be more than just a book. At Cuyahoga Valley Church, we believe it is Living Truth. The centerpiece of each worship service is a message based on a text from the Bible. We listen to the Bible carefully. We build our lives on its truths. We submit our wills to its…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Praying according to the will of God is, to be sure, difficult in some ways and easy in others. We can apply other tools that Pastor Chad gave us in week 3 of the series. He taught us how to pray the Bible back to God. We know that when we pray Scripture, we are praying…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Today I taught out of Revelation 3:14-22 and the \"whatever\" attitude people can have towards Jesus and how often it\'s an authority problem, a passion problem, or a reality problem. The great thing is that while you might have a \"whatever\" attitude towards Jesus, he does not have a \"whatever\"attitude towards you. Please use this resource to check…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

This past week, I asked attenders at Cuyahoga Valley Church for some help with my message from Revelation 3:7-13 on “holding fast.” I asked, “Be honest... Have you ever been so disappointed by life that you were tempted to let go of Jesus, to not hold onto faith? If so, why? And what has helped…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Being spiritually healthy comes down to some pretty simple habits in our lives. These habits are called the spiritual disciplines and include: worship, prayer, bible study, serving, and giving. These are the habits of a healthy Christian.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Founding Pastor Rick Duncan Lots of people here at our church, Cuyahoga Valley Church, have doubts about their salvation. “How can I know that I know that I’m going to heaven, that I have eternal life?” I recently had a member come back and ask me about those exact doubts he was having regarding…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Founding Pastor Rick Duncan In our series RECalibrate for this new year, we have been taking at look at the letters from Jesus to the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3. Letter 2 went to the church at Smyrna. Jesus told them, “When facing ridicule, scorn, slander, or opposition for standing up for the cause…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church