
Recent Articles

The word “Advent” comes from Latin word meaning \"coming.” The message of Advent in its most simple form is that Christ has come, and He is coming again. It has a dual nature; combining the reflection of God’s people past waiting for the first coming of the promised Messiah with God’s people now waiting for the second coming of the promised Messiah. Advent is a season of waiting, expecting, and hope.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

She was weeping tears of joy and had a beautiful look of shock on her face as she looked at the baby inside her belly on the screen through ultrasound. This was a rare case in our pregnancy resource center, as most women coming through our doors are not hoping for the pregnancy they find themselves in. 

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

God is doing something wonderful among us as He moves us to a whole new level of ministry to our Neighbors, the Nations, and the Next Generation.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Realigning Read Jonah 4. For those who have not read Jonah before or if it has been a while, are you surprised when you see that Jonah was angry with God? Why was Jonah so twisted up inside? How have you seen anger play out in spiritual conversations? How has anger maybe even prevented you…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

There are parts of Halloween that still rightfully disturb me, but I get excited about the unique opportunity this night brings me to love my neighbors.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Reaching Read Jonah 3. In the first few verses, we see Jonah finally obey God, and in courage and obedience he preaches repentance in Nineveh. What would you say is your top reason for reluctance (maybe even disobedience) to share your faith/share the Gospel with others? On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

In Christians circles, people talk about times when they were “broken,” broken in their self-sufficiency, their dependence on self and turned to God dependence. Have you ever had a time where you were “broken”? Think about that time. What did God do in your life through that? How did that season change you as a…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Running from God Spend some time praying the P.R.A.Y acronym. Praise God for who He is and what He is doing in your life. Repent of your sins before Him. Ask God for the things you need. Yield to him areas of your life that you need to yield. Set a timer and pray for…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

During the UNLEASH Series, we will provide five weekly personal studies – one for each week – that will coincide with the UNLEASH sermon series and LifeGroup Study Guides. These personal studies will help you assess your own life, look for and act upon applications you can draw from, and encourage you toward extended times of focused prayer.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Are you willing to take a long, honest look at your dark side? Am I? Oh, we know we are flawed. But we want to ignore it, minimize it, or dull it somehow.

When we are most deeply aware of our fallen nature, it\'s not a bad thing. Perhaps at that moment, on this side of heaven, we are never closer to true joy and a sound mind.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

No one is born racist.  They learn it.  What are you teaching your children about God’s beautiful kaleidoscope of creation and His design of diversity?

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Our hope isn\'t to overwhelm you with resources but to point you in the right direction in hopes you\'ll find what works for your family and parenting style. When it comes to parenting, here\'s a list of our favorite recommended resources.  

By Cuyahoga Valley Church