
Recent Articles

person standing near herd of lambs

by Lead Pastor Chad Allen Last weekend I taught a message on Psalm 23. You can find that message here.  This may be the most well-known passage of the Bible.  It is often referred to by its first line, “The Lord is my shepherd.”  I wanted to provide this post as a little extra food…

By Chad Allen
human hand

We can pray for America today and every day by lifting up seven critical centers of influence in our nation. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life,…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
Cloud Covered Mountain Top on Landscape Photography

O Lord God, the Source of wisdom, truth, and goodness, How deep are Your riches and wisdom and knowledge, God! How unsearchable are Your judgments and how inscrutable are Your ways (Romans 11:33). Your foolishness is wiser than men, and Your weakness is stronger than men (1 Corinthians 1:25). You are wonderful in counsel and…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
photo of sun covered by white clouds

O God of hope, In a world filled with distress and despair, darkness and death, You are the blazing center of light and life. Because of who You are, You are able to fill everyone who comes to You with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit we…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
Starry Night Space Background

God of light and love, You made the stars to worship You. The mountains bow in reverence to You. You caused the oceans to roar Your greatness. Since everything exists to lift You high, so will I. You are worthy.  You are not only worthy to be worshipped, You are worthy to be imitated. In…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
woman in white sweater standing on brown grass field during daytime

Dear Lord God almighty, my heavenly Father, You have called us to love – freely, fully, unconditionally. You gave us Your word to teach us what loves does. You have sent Your Son to show us Who love is. Yet I have chosen to live selfishly. No matter how hard I try, I cannot love…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
Gray Soil Pathway Between Grass

Dear Giver of life, You alone are the Lord. You have made the heavens, the heaven of heavens with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to all of them. And the heavenly host bows down before You (Nehemiah 9:6).…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
landscape photography of grass plains under cloudy sky during daytime

O great and generous God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I praise You, Lord, for Your overflowing heart. You richly provide all things for us to enjoy - family, friends, food, stories, sports, sunshine, masterpieces, music, mountains, books, beaches, ballfields, laughter, love, and life itself… all things that I have ever enjoyed are…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
green leafed trees

I praise You, God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe in You, God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son, our Lord. I believe in the Holy Spirit. You are one Spirit, one Lord, one God and Father of all who is over all…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
green leafed tree surrounded by fog during daytime

Father in heaven, who demonstrated Your love by sending Your Son to die for us and Your Spirit to live in us, I praise You for Your great wisdom that in Christ You are bringing together every tribe and language and people and nation. Your extraordinary plan to unite all mankind in Christ is being…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
persons hand on white surface

Lord God, Revealer of divine mystery, I give You praise, as the Creator of all things, that You kept Your plan hidden in past ages. I give You thanks that Your shrouded mystery has now been revealed. You had not revealed it to previous generations, but now by Your Spirit You have revealed the mystery…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
people raising their hands during night time

O God, Father of the Lord Jesus Christ and Sender of the Holy Spirit, I praise You as the Triune God, eternally existing as Father, Son, and Spirit. You have always lived in community. You exemplify interrelationship and interconnectedness. You created mankind to live in fellowship with You and one another. Your communal nature means…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church