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The track listings sound similar, but if you could hit eject on my brain and hold these two mental tapes in your hands, one would be labeled Lies and one would be labeled Truths. And every day, I choose a tape and hit play, rewind, and play again.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Let us be glad in the Christmas season and rejoice in the hope that we know is secure. May we never lose the awe and wonder of what this season truly is about and may we encompass our hearts and mind on that truth.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

I want my children to look back and remember that Jesus has, is and always will be bigger than Santa.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Chad Allen, Lead Pastor We are currently in a teaching series called “Love Jesus”. The simple hope is that if we spend five weeks reflecting on Christ’s amazing love for us, we will grow into a more faithful and intense love for Jesus. That first week I spoke from John 21 and the big…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Chad Allen, Lead Pastor & Rick Duncan, Founding Pastor Sometimes, pastors do some very real and, hopefully, very effective pastoral care through our social media connections. To be sure, Facebook, Twitter, Perisciope, Instagram, etc. can be distractions. But they can also be useful tools. Recently, we received an important question from a CVC attender about…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

If predestination and election are true, then with John 3:16 did Jesus die for the world for only for the elect? Same thing with 1 Timothy 2:4, it says that God desires ALL men to be saved. Doesn\'t this contradict predestination? Before we are able to respond to the question, we need to remember that…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

It is amazing to think that because we have a relationship with Christ and that we are his “beloved children” that we can walk in confidence in our eternal security. It is one truth about grace and mercy that I hold onto deeply.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Question:  If I have family members with Alzheimer\'s and dementia, how can I have hope that they could be saved if I have never heard a profession of faith from them? Should I still try to lead them to the Lord even if they don\'t remember? Answer: My very short answer to your question is…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Chad Allen, Lead Pastor One of our favorite family activities is to occasionally go to the mall to catch a quick bite and a movie.  While in the food court at the mall, my kids love to casually stroll by “tasters” out front of the different eateries offering pieces of food on a toothpick. …

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Someone placed their new life 10/24 prayer card on their car visor and started praying for people by name when they are driving, at stoplights, or waiting in the car.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

It will be two years in November since the Lord invited me into a relationship with him. Two years of sobriety. Two year of repentance. A complete renewing of my mind. A two year crash course with the Holy Spirit on how to be a man of God. On owning my life and the choices that I make. On being a soldier in the Army of God on the battlefield of this World. I was on Fire. I could not get enough of the Lord into my life. Church, Bible studies, books, Scripture, sermons, being discipled one on one.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Sometimes, we can see ourselves in the famous stories in the Bible. Below are 3 stories about people in the Bible who went to sleep when they should have stayed awake. In their stories, we can see where and how we might also be tempted toward spiritual slumber.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church