A Mess Worth Making

In 2012, Cuyahoga Valley Church taught an 8 week sermon series on how to roll up our sleeves and follow God’s lead on how to make the most out of friendship, romantic interests, single living, marriage, family, and work relationships. Ultimately, because relationships are a mess worth making.

By Chad Allen, Lead Pastor

God is relational.  An we are made in His image so we are made to be relational.  But relationships can be messy.  You won’t like everyone and everyone won’t like you.

  • How do you live with those you feel “stuck” with?
  • Should you deal with or distance yourself from unhealthy people?

Sometimes you want to give up.  Other times, you could never imagine yourself without these “difficult” people in your life.  However, God has given us instructions on how to strengthen our relationships.

In 2012, Cuyahoga Valley Church taught an 8 week sermon series on how to roll up our sleeves and follow God’s lead on how to make the most out of friendship, romantic interests, single living, marriage, family, and work relationships. Ultimately, because relationships are a mess worth making.

In light of our recent series on relationships, here are some former messages to compliment what we just covered this last month.  Enjoy the mess!

Relationships: A Mess Worth Making Audio