Love Your Neighbor #3


by the CVC Leadership Team

Try as you might, it is becoming increasingly difficult to focus first on Thanksgiving and then Christmas! It seems as though we’ve already skipped the turkey and have gone straight to snow! Regardless, the holiday spirit is officially settling in for the long haul.

Take advantage of this atmosphere, when both Christians and non-Christians alike begin feeling more sentimental, are friendlier towards strangers, and messages of goodwill are everyday occurrences. Utilize this to further your relationships with your circle of 8 neighbors, or even better, use this time to begin growing your LifeHouse and getting to know your circle of 8!

Here are a few simple ways in which you can grow your LifeHouse or get one started!

  • Invite a neighbor for dessert and coffee
  • Host an Open House
  • Open your home to watch a game  (football game, basketball game, etc.)
  • Take a pie to your neighbors
  • Take a pot of Mums to your neighbors
  • Take caramel or candy apples to your neighbors

“You live where you do for a particular purpose. Your talents, hobbies, and life experiences have been strategically placed by God to impact your neighbors and neighborhood. If you have new life in Christ, your presence helps bring new life in Christ to your neighborhood” (LifeHouses Guide Book – available for all at the information table in the foyer)
