Pr@yers for SOLI

Pr@yer is the power behind T&K, our partners on the ground, and pr@yer is the power behind all of those from CVC that will make that trip to Pearl Island both in 2017 and in the years to come.

Pray for us also, that God may open to us a door for the Word, to declare the mystery of Christ. Colossians 4:3

I have been reading a book called Warrior of Ethiopia. It tells the story of a missionary couple and the dangerous work of taking the good news to the unreached tribes of Ethiopia. One story that I have been sharing recently is one of two sisters, 11 and 12 years old, who committed their lives to prayer for 5 of the unreached tribes in Southern Ethiopia.

A missionary had come to their little, country church and they took his prayer card. They asked him for the names of 5 tribes that had not yet heard the gospel and they wrote those names on the back of the card. They were diligent in their prayers and when the missionary returned to their church some years later, he was thrilled to share with them that all five of the tribes had been reached with the story of Jesus and that thousands had come to faith in him. 

Over the past few years, Cuyahoga Valley Church (CVC) has adopted an unreached people group on an Island that we call Pearl Island. Pearl is, quite literally, on the other side of the world. We realize that not everyone from CVC will be able to make the trip to share the gospel with the SOLI people. Our heart is that many would make that trip over the next many years, but we realize that it is not feasible for everyone. This leaves us with an important question:

How can 100% of the people at Cuyahoga Valley Church share in the mission to the unreached on Pearl Island?

Here is the answer – Prayer.

Prayer is the power behind T&K, our partners on the ground, and prayer is the power behind all of those from CVC that will make that trip to Pearl Island both in 2017 and in the years to come. 

Prayer is a power that moves the Holy Spirit to cause people to respond to the gospel when they hear  it. 

So, CVC, we need to be praying for our partners on Pearl Island. Here are 10 prayers to pray for T&K, their team, and the SOLI people. 

  1. Pray that the new SOLI believers would grow in their faith in the midst of persecution and adversity.
  2. Pray for the national team of Indonesians’ spiritual health, physical health, and continued boldness to share the gospel.  
  3. Pray that God would send dreams and visions to the SOLI guiding them to respond to the good news when it is presented to them.
  4. Pray for T&K to set up healthy boundaries with their family in order to stay connected to one another and to God.
  5. Pray for the SOLI Bible translation project to be funded and for the translation process to go smoothly. 
  6. Pray against the attacks of the enemy who strives to cause disunity and bring persecution.
  7. Pray for the first SOLI church to be planted in 2017.
  8. Pray for T&K’s future teammates – S &M – who are currently studying the language before they launch onto the field. 
  9. Pray for the CVC team that are going to Pearl Island in 2017 – that these teams would prepare well and that God would prepare them for action.
  10. Pray that T&K’s visas would be processed smoothly and without complications. 

I’ll close with this. D.L. Moody once said, “Every work of God can be traced to some kneeling form.” Let there be a mighty work of God on Pearl Island, and let it be traced back to the people of CVC committed to prayer. 

 “Every work of God can be traced to some kneeling form.” – D.L. Moody