A Peek Behind the Curtain


Untitled1by Jeff Ziolkowski, Pastor of Technical Arts

“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” This iconic line from the 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz brings to mind the toilings of some very wonderful servants of Cuyahoga Valley Church: Specifically those who serve as Technical Arts (TechArts) volunteers.

At CVC we have a faithful group of servants who each week make sure that all things technical are hidden “behind the curtain” so that CVC attenders may encounter Jesus Christ in person through the worship and teaching. These behind-the-curtain folks take their roles in facilitating worship very seriously. They don’t simply see themselves as technicians … or volunteers (servant-leaders!) … or “button-pushers”, but as worship leaders. Yes, you heard me right, worship leaders.

The worship leaders at CVC are not simply those who stand center stage on the upper or lower platforms. All of the instrumentalists and vocalists are tasked with the role of leading worship. They too see themselves as people called of God to lead others to the glorious throne of Jesus Christ in worship. And our Pastors and Teachers also see themselves in this role of guiding us all closer to an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

Those who sit in the booth upstairs also see themselves as worship leaders. And their roles are unique. They feel most satisfied in having accomplished the goal of leading worship if no one ever knows they were present. They want to remain in the background … “behind the curtain”, so to speak.

An errant light cue that comes too early or too late … a slide with the wrong Scripture reference … the squeal of feedback … or a rapid camera movement are all things that could potentially cause everyone’s heads to turn during a service. And that is the last thing any of the TechArts volunteers wants. They desire to see each of you worship with your entire being. They desire to see you connect with God through whatever He may be speaking to you that day. They desire to see God move in our midst. They desire to remain in the background and allow God to have His way in everyone’s lives. And together we pray for that each weekend!

Again, the roles of TechArts volunteers are unique. Those in TechArts are drawn to the booth due to one of two factors:

  1. They are naturally gifted and drawn to technology; or
  2. They are quiet, reserved and somewhat uncomfortable being in the midst of a large group in the Worship Center.

Now, neither of these factors is always true of every TechArts member who gives their life away through this ministry. But it is a common-enough factor that it is worth mentioning. The members of this TechArts community are drawn to fellowship with one another because of their desire to serve Christ in a way that speaks to who they are, what they enjoy and what they don’t enjoy. It knits us together!

So, if you have a desire to be a worship leader … if you have a desire to remain in the background … if you have a desire to play with some really cool technology … and if you want to connect with other like-minded people, maybe TechArts is the place for you to serve.

We are always looking for individuals who are available and teachable, with that desire to serve. Positions available include lighting control (an entry-level position on Sunday AM and PM), sound mixing (a more challenging position on Thursday evenings and Sunday AM and PM), video directing (a more challenging position on Sunday AM), and Presentation (a more challenging position on Sunday AM and PM).

Almost every newbie begins by serving as a lighting control volunteer and fills that role until they feel the need to move onto a more challenging position. Interested? Please email me at jziolkowski@cvconline.org. It would be a privilege to set up an interview and get you on the schedule.

Join us in TechArts; but please pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!