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By Pastor Josh Stone One of our values at Cuyahoga Valley Church is “Linked Generations.”  It’s something we see throughout the Bible, but is something that is  continually difficult in our culture.  I recently went on a men’s LifeGroup Leaders Equipping Retreat, and many of the men present were much older than the 707 LifeGroup…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Leigh-Ann Brisbin,  Women’s Director A wise friend once said, “Together, we are better”.   It is often quite easy in our busy lives and difficult circumstances to neglect true connectedness and service to others. The Bible teaches, however, that we were designed for community, and it is the will of God to meet together.  God…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

 by Pastor Chad Allen Last weekend we started a 20 week study in the book of Genesis at CVC.  As anticipated, several people quickly inquired about which creation theory I personally subscribe to.  Before answering that question, I think we need to deal with two matters up front.  The first issue is looking at a brief overview of…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Meri Sikora It’s a gorgeous day outside today … the kind of day that we in Cleveland have been longing for since, oh, about October.  It’s hot, it’s sunny, my kids are running through the sprinkler --  it’s perfect!  “What would make today better?”  I thought to myself.   It didn’t take me long to…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

 By Pastor Rick Eimers Missional living doesn\'t need to be a huge event, or even an add to an already busy schedule.  As my family expands, it\'s less likely that I\'ll have margin in my life for more events or activities, but that doesn\'t exclude me from living out the Great Commission as laid out…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Pastor Rick Duncan I have been encouraged and challenged that Pastor Chad has led CVC through our “LifeHouses” series. In Acts 1:8 language, it’s a way for each of us to reach our own personal Jerusalems. LifeHouses is our way of trying to live out one of the most well known commands that Jesus gave us……

By Cuyahoga Valley Church