Over the past several months, as Rick Eimers and I have taken over leadership of the missions department, I have realized my grave need for more knowledge when it comes to the study of missions. One of our top objectives for 2017 is educate the body of believers at CVC in the area of missions. By educate, I mean that we want to help you grow in your knowledge of the history, methods, and need for both local and global missions.
- How do we do that?
- Have a class?
- Run a seminar?
We have plans to do formal events to help educate you all, but I think that a good first step is for each of us to take our role of missionary seriously by educating ourselves. Over the past several months I have read more on missions than at any other time in my life – even more then when I was taking a missions course in seminary. And I want to encourage you all to do the same. As we strive to be a church on mission, let us be a people who will love God will all of our minds by learning as much as we can about how to engage the world around us with the Gospel. Here are a few top notch resources that I can recommend to you all.
History of Missions
From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya by Ruth A. Tucker
The Great Commission: Evangelicals and History of World Missions by Klauber and Manetsch
A History of Christian Missions by Stephen Neill
Theology/Purpose of Missions
Let the Nations be Glad by John Piper – http://amzn.to/2kug7YQ
A Vision for Missions by Tom Wells – http://amzn.to/2kujOOs
Diary and Journal of David Brainard by Brainard and Edwards – http://amzn.to/2l12sp3
Missionary Biographies (there are tons of great ones, but here a just a few of my favorites)
Bruchko by Bruce Olson – http://amzn.to/2klUwiM
Warriors of Ethiopia by Richard McLellan – http://amzn.to/2jHO83L
To the Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson by Courtney Anderson
God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew