CVCYouth Frontlines Prayer Guide

We're sending around 200+ CVCYouth to Skyview Ranch. Join us in prayer as we ask expectantly for God to mov

We’re sending around 200 CVCYouth to Skyview Ranch in Millersburg, Ohio.  The CVCYouth team have been prepping for months and they’re leaving this afternoon for a week of worship, competitions, teaching, and late night events.  This year we celebrate ten years of Frontlines. Join us in prayer as we ask expectantly for God to move.

Monday, July 13th

  • Speaker: Rick Duncan
  • 44 – 5th/6th graders
  • Homesickness
  • Make their faith their own!
  • The kids in attendance with major health issues
  • Holy Spirit works in hearts of students
  • Traveling safety

Tuesday, July 14th

  • Speaker: Mike Wolfe
  • 48 – 7th/8th graders
  • The heart posture of all leaders
  • God would confirm callings in upperclassmen
  • Teams don’t become overly competitive
  • Students begin building new friendships

Wednesday, July 15th

  • Speaker: Josh Stone
  • 48 – 9th/10th graders
  • This is the largest group of unbelievers we’ve had
  • That the music would be worshipful and God-honoring
  • Harden hearts would be softened
  • Students would begin to repent unconfessed sin

Thursday, July 16th

  • Speaker: Josh Stone
  • 22 – 11th graders
  • Our upperclassmen would model Jesus to the younger kids
  • Prayer for parents back home
  • That leaders would have renewed energy
  • Juniors would recognize their new “Senior responsibility”

Friday, July 17th

  • Speaker: Rick Eimers /Joe Valenti
  • 21 – 12th graders
  • Leaders would be bold and clear with the gospel
  • Prayer for Seniors heading off to college
  • All those wanting to make a decision to get baptized
  • Strong friendships and accountability being firmly established

Saturday, July 18th

  • Speaker: Rick Eimers
  • All Frontlines Alumni coming back.
  • May we encourage them in Christ.
  • Connecting to young adults and pointing them back to church
  • Celebrate God’s faithfulness over 10 years.
  • A blessing over the next generation of students