Filtered Sun


sunshineBy Greta Smith 

Sun.  We don’t see enough of it in Cleveland, Ohio, but God blessed us richly and abundantly these past several weekends.   After too many ‘polar vortex’ events during the winter, we’re long overdue for those warm, beautiful rays

In a few quiet moments early this morning, I noticed dancing shadows on the wall as the sun filtered through the fresh green leaves on the trees just outside my window.  For reasons unknown,  it brought to mind summer days of playing at my grandparents’ farm when I was a kid.  There was a joy and a peace in those memories of days gone by…so I just sat and watched for a few minutes.   Summer.   Fresh air.  Breathe…deeply.  Flip flops and tank tops.  A walk, a bike ride.  Has your dog caught a frisbee lately?  Those flowers and that veggie garden you planted.   Have you taken note of their growth?   What about the bird’s nest in the tree outside your window?  New life.  Have you noticed?  Or are you too busy moving on to the ‘next thing’ to check off your list?

Filtered sun.  What kind of memories might it call to mind if you took the time to think about it?  Pull up a chair and be still for a moment or two…sip a fresh-brewed iced tea.  Summer.  Enjoy.  “This is the day The Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”—Ps. 118:24
