Linking Generations

As I share a portion of my heart for the linking of generations, I must first acknowledge my gracious and faithful God, for He has daily kept me from wrecking my own life. He does this by revealing to me all the ways in which I am needy, and by His destruction of my objects of pride and self-sufficiency. God is the one who forms me to look more like Christ until I am perfected. I am the old becoming new.
One of the ways that God keeps His beloved children from spiritual laziness or destruction is through other believers. Soak in these verses from Hebrews 10:24-25.
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
Here we are encouraged to imagine all sorts of ways to encourage our brothers and sisters to love and to serve. Additionally, we are supposed to meet together. Many people now like to keep to themselves, but we are not called to that. Fellowship is key.
Who should we encourage and with whom should we meet? Soak in the words of Titus 2, which reveal a part of God’s design for growth in the church. Paul tells Titus to have older men do life with younger men, to have older women do life with younger women. God wants to use older and younger people in our lives to help us grow. I can tell you that I have grown immensely in my walk with Christ because of the interaction I’ve had with other generations.
I urge you to join these passages and put your faith into practice. Take the time to encourage both older and younger people in your life, to show love and to do good works. Take the time to meet and fellowship with both older and younger people in your life. God has sovereignly formed the gathering of believers here at Cuyahoga Valley Church. Let us continue to link our generations in our pursuit of becoming more like Jesus everyday.