And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place (Acts 17:26 ESV)
by the CVC Leadership Team
With Halloween behind us and the first week of November already in the books, we find that holiday atmosphere already taking root in the world around us. Christmas trees are set up in town centers, stores have officially rolled out red and green decorations, and Thanksgiving commercials abound on television.
As we enter into the next two months filled with both chaos and joy, we here at Cuyahoga Valley Church encourage all of you who have experienced a new life in Christ to prayerfully consider how you can be a light to your neighbors amidst the hustle and bustle of this season. In continuing with last week’s post, below is a list of inspiration to help get you started in growing your LifeHouse this fall and winter:
- Continue to pray for your circle of 8 neighbors around you, and prayer walk your neighborhood.
- Ask if there are specific ways that you can pray for your neighbors. Fill in those needs and other family information on pp. 34-51 in the LifeHouses guide.
- Who do you know in your circle of 8 or neighborhood that you could invite to Thanksgiving that might be alone?
- If you have people from international cultures in your community, find out more about their culture, food and traditions.
“You live where you do for a particular purpose. Your talents, hobbies, and life experiences have been strategically placed by God to impact your neighbors and neighborhood. If you have new life in Christ, your presence helps bring new life in Christ to your neighborhood” (LifeHouses Guide Book – available for all at the information table in the foyer)