One of those causes our CVC Missions budget supports is NEO360, a church planting organization focused on assessing, training, and coaching church planters who have been called to start new churches in NE Ohio.
We recently received a progress report:
We just wanted to give you a quick update for this year at NEO360.
Over the past 12 months we have managed to plant 3 more churches and train 9 new leaders.
We have partnered with church plants in Ohio City, Kamm’s Corner, and Cleveland Heights. We are finishing our last learning cohort with 4 more leaders and getting ready to start our 16th Launch Class, now called Multiply Group, since we founded NEO360 9 years ago.
We have trained 62 community minded missionaries and seen 40 new works start with an 86% success ratio. You have also been a part of helping 1,096 men, women and children receive Christ through these new churches.
We want to take this moment and celebrate with you. We are so grateful God called you to be on mission with NEO360.
With Cleveland now in the spot light nationally, we believe starting new churches is even more important today than ever before.
So, thanks to all who give to CVC to help make this (and more!) happen to build Christ’s kingdom in NE Ohio and around the world.