by Josh Stone, Pastor of Community Life and Leadership
Being spiritually healthy comes down to some pretty simple habits in our lives. These habits are called the spiritual disciplines and include: worship, prayer, bible study, serving, and giving. These are the habits of a healthy Christian. At Cuyahoga Valley Church these play out in three environments we call Worship – Groups – Serve.
If you do these things, you will be spiritually healthy. It’s not rocket science. A healthy relationship with God is available to everyone. When we want to grow in your health habits, it’s best to take simple steps toward a healthy life. Here are some steps that I want to encourage you.
- Attend at least three times a month
- Turn off phone or put it on airplane mode
- Value worship attendance for your children – watch this video on Facebook
- Sing along in worship
- Pray out loud in your Lifegroup
- Purchase and use the Valley of Vision
- Attend the Unshaken Prayer Conference
- Engage weekly in missions prayer on Facebook
- Utilize the prayer room
- Pray before every work shift
- Use your commute for prayer
Bible Study
[vimeo 254190458 w=640 h=360]
6 Rs to Personal Bible Study from Cuyahoga Valley Church on Vimeo.
- Recommended Podcasts:
- Get into a Lifegroup
- Purchase the ESV Study Bible
- Purchase the Jesus Storybook Bible for your kids
- Utilize Right Now Media
- Lead a Lifegroup
- Talk to your Lifegroup Leader about serving this year
- Visit
- Adopt one of the Big 10 ministries
- Volunteer with children, worship arts, or youth
- Commit to spending the time to talk to your neighbor
- Assess your personal giving.
- Strive to increase your giving by 1% this year.
- Tell your children how much you gave in 2017.
- Schedule one day this month to give your time to someone in your Lifehouse
- Engage with the missions drive, loose change for life, etc.