by Chad Allen, Lead Pastor CVC is starting 2015 with a week-long opportunity to meet for prayer as a church body called Seek Week. We will be asking God to stir our hearts for those who are not yet in a relationship with Christ. We’ll meet Monday, January 12th till Friday, January 16th 7PM-8:30PM. Saturday we’ll gather at 5:30PM for a time of prayer followed by a community meal. Each evening we will pray around a theme regarding our hearts: Monday – A Broken Heart Tuesday – A Burning Heart Wednesday – A Burdened Heart Thursday – A Battle-Ready heart Friday – A Bold Heart Saturday – The Lord’s Supper We’ll meet together in the Worship Center for an uplifting and encouraging time that will include worship. Led by Pastor Chad Allen, our time of prayer will give opportunity for people to meet God right where He has them so that all may truly pray as God leads. Some will desire to pray with 1 or 2 others. Others may opt for having solitary time with God during the various prayer segments. Our hope is for people to come as many nights as possible, knowing that creative scheduling will need to take place in some households. Since CVC childcare is not available this week, young families in particular are encouraged to ‘tag team’–watching their children at home so a spouse can attend. Maybe for one night, a family would enlist childcare so both spouses can come together. Age-appropriate children (Age 10+) are welcome to attend Seek Nights with their parents. LifeGroup Leaders: You’re encouraged to have your group attend Seek Week in lieu of your regular group time. To prepare your heart, consider fasting. Fasting is simply sacrificing something we want for something we want more. Sacrifice (fast from) food—maybe a meal a day, or a specific food or drink you enjoy. Fasting from media and social media is encouraged. The time not spent in these activities may then be spent in additional prayer, meditation and Bible reading. On Saturday night, we can look forward to breaking our fast and wrapping up the week with a community meal. CVC will provide the main dish. Children are welcome! Those attending are asked to bring a dish to share. Don’t cook? Serve opportunities exist as well for set up, food hosts, and clean up. Just visit and enter Coordinator Last Name: Rutti|Password: cvcc.