As a church that wants to raise up “self feeders”, we often direct people to sources where they can find solid biblical answers to questions, rather than just depending solely on the pastoral staff for quick answers. Going online to find answers to questions can be the equivalent of trying to navigate yourself through a large field with many land mines.
One minute you are searching for what the Bible says on a particular issue and then “boom!” you accidentally clicked and had someone’s jaded or poisoned view of God or the Bible blow up on you.
Although there is an overabundance of answers that can be found online, you have to be cautious so that you don’t find yourself being influenced by someone with weak, inaccurate or unbiblical theology. Although there are many reputable sights and sources out there, a few of my favorites are the following links. I have found them to be biblically safe and user friendly. Although I may not agree on all that views stated by each source, by taking the “Major on the majors and minor on the minors” stance, I find them worth referring to. Hope this helps you as your grow in the fruit of new life and live new in Christ!
Desiring God
Wayne Grudem
Got Questions?
Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry