Lindsey Howard

Lindsey is a long-time CVC member. She serves as an Equip Team Administrative Assistant and aims to support the team in all things behind the scenes. She is a prior Middle School Educator turned SAHM of two boys. She was a member of the CVC MOMtourage Steering Team for six years, leads a LifeGroup with her […]

Brenda Leisinger

Brenda is the Director of the Generous Life Ministry and is passionate about teaching the biblical principles of stewardship and creating a generosity culture at CVC. Brenda is also the Executive Director of the Ohio Stewardship Network and the Project Director for the annual Cleveland Leadership Prayer Breakfast. Prior to coming on staff, she was […]

Becca Ferguson

In her role as the Women’s Ministry Director, Becca works to oversee the equipping, discipleship, and development of women at CVC. She is passionate about helping women come to know the Lord more deeply by growing in knowledge of and confidence in His Word. Becca holds a BA in Public Relations from the University of […]

Laura Hamilton

Laura grew up immersed in children’s ministry and continued to serve in various roles throughout her life. As CVCKids Administrative Assistant, she is responsible for supporting CVCKids staff. She enjoys the challenge of planning, organizing, and bringing to life different events for CVCKids ministry. Apart from work, Laura is a wife of 28 years to […]

John Campbell

John Campbell is the Men’s Ministry Director for CVC Brunswick Campus. John leads Men’s Ministry activities including LifeGroups, service projects, fellowship meals and Discipleship Huddles. John feels privileged to be used by God in this capacity, as he enjoys spending time with groups of men in Christ and discipling men through their walk of faith. […]

Matt Dolezal

Matt serves as the Director of Community Life at CVC Brunswick Campus. In his role he offers direction, support, and oversight of Lifegroups, Discipleship Huddles, and any classes that are offered. It is his pleasure to guide leaders as they help others grow in their knowledge and love of Christ. Matt also serves as a […]

Ashley Faltot

Ashley is the CVCKids Ministry Director for the Brunswick Campus. Her desire is to create an atmosphere of learning and fun to ultimately equip children to face the world with Jesus as their Savior. Ashley holds a BA in Business Administration from Cleveland State University. She and her husband, Joshua, have been married since 2014 […]

Lisa Richardson

Lisa assists the CVCYouth staff in planning events, working on lead measure data, and with girls’ LifeGroups in Collide. She holds a degree in Educational Ministries from Clark’s Summit University (2020). If she is not working, you will find her drinking coffee, watching Disney+ or hanging with friends. Originally from Orlando, Florida, she is the […]

Lauren Meyer

Lauren plans and executes all events in CVCYouth while creating easy on-ramps for students in 6th-12th grade to be discipled to become more like Jesus. Lauren served as an intern at CVCYouth in 2016, but was hired on as the Director of Discipleship and Events in June, 2018. Lauren has a B.S. and M.A. in […]

Traci Schimpf

Traci is a Pastoral Assistant to the Community Life Team, and the LifeGroup Connector for CVC, joining the Cuyahoga Valley Church staff in 2017, where they have been members for 15 years. She is a 1993 graduate of Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. She enjoys serving others behind the […]

Raquel Schors

Raquel Schors began attending CVC long ago as a second grader in 1990. She was an active participant in the children’s ministry, so when she graduated from Cleveland State University with a degree in Music Education in 2005, she gladly took a job on the CVCKids’ staff as the Director of blast!, our CVCKids production […]

Joe Valenti

Joe Valenti is the Executive Pastor of Cuyahoga Valley Church. Joe has served at CVC for over 15 years preaching, leading worship, and caring for the students of CVCYouth. Joe and his wife Linda met at CVC and enjoy laughing, boating, watching The Voice, and hanging out with their two kids – Grace and Logan. […]