UNLEASH – Personal Study #4



Read Jonah 3.

In the first few verses, we see Jonah finally obey God, and in courage and obedience he preaches repentance in Nineveh. What would you say is your top reason for reluctance (maybe even disobedience) to share your faith/share the Gospel with others?

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your evangelistic engagement in this life (1 is never sharing your faith and 10 is trying to share your faith daily).

We see here that the Word of the Lord told Jonah to go and preach in Ninevah. Review these verses that are some of the cornerstone instructions from the Lord on sharing our faith: Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8, Luke 12:8; Matthew 12:30; 2 Corinthians 5:20). Circle the one that stirs you most to share your faith. Why?

  • We see in the Jonah verses that people respond. What actions do you see among the Ninevites that show us they truly believed?
  • What happened in your life when you came to the place to truly believe in Jesus as Savior? What were some instant changes? What changes have taken time?
  • How do our resources play a part in evangelism?
  • How do we use our money to connect with people who need Christ?
  • How do we use our money to help the church connect with those who need Christ?

As we dedicate ourselves to unleashing our resources for more evangelistic impact among our neighbors, the nations, and the next generations, how has God been stirring you in a greater motivation to use money in order to reach others with the Gospel?

Have you ever had someone respond to you sharing the Gospel by believing in Christ? If so, you know how exhilarating it is. Someone coming to faith in Christ is our greatest joy. In order for you to experience this joy more often, check the top 2 action steps you feel need to happen most in your life:

  • Get myself in a place where I have repented of a plaguing sin in my life so I can preach authentically.
  • Learn to share the Gospel more effectively (remember the 3-circles conversation guide is our recommended tool).
  • Learn to better share my own testimony (this is one of the best ways to get to a spiritual conversation and create spiritual dialogue and curiosity).
  •  Pray for greater sense of urgency, compassion, and awareness of unbelievers around me.
  • Be more courageous when God opens a door.
  • Increase my consistency and generosity with the money God allows me to steward toward more evangelistic efforts.
  • What practical next step will you take to engage growth from this exercise?