
Recent Articles

So, for those who have a degree of familiarity with end time doctrine, enjoy as I briefly summarize some of the main theological stances for those who may be unfamiliar or need a refresher.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Every heart with Christ, a missionary; every heart without Christ, a mission field.    -Dick Hillis, Author and American Missionary to China  We\'re afraid of ridicule. Maybe nervous that we won\'t have all of the right answers. Maybe we\'re putting off having that conversation with a coworker or loved one because...well,  there\'s always tomorrow, right?…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

“What kinds of criticism, opposition, ridicule, rejection, alienation, or marginalizing have you faced for sharing your faith with your family, in the marketplace, or in your community?”

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Cuyahoga Valley Church As we focus on being Encouraged this summer we wanted to share some encouragement from a dear friend of Lynne Robie who lives in New Jersey. \"I visit New Jersey, my home state, a few times a year. The last time I was there my friend and I were discussing the…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

I wanted to share the collective wisdom we remember from our mothers. It\'s a variety of shared wisdom ranging from practical to funny. Thanks for your feedback. Enjoy!

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

I once read an article about choosing what to read and the author of the post said something that is simple yet profound – only read the best books. I have taken this to heart over the years and I do a lot of research before I buy a book. It is grace to us…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

This Thursday, May 4th, we\'ll observe the 66th Annual National Day of Prayer, here are a few thoughts on how to pray for America.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Can you believe it’s already Easter? While we want to posture our hearts towards the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we often get caught up in the mix of family dinners, egg hunts, and odd work schedules. Here are a few of our practical recommendations to help invite people to new life in Christ as well as some resources to prepare our hearts and lead our families well this week.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Ladies, Mark your calendars for April 1 and invite a friend to come to our Women’s Ministry Serve Day connecting women in service and helping those in need. We\'re serving various mission organizations in the community, state, and world. One of those amazing organizations that we will be serving that day is Cornerstone of Hope.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Flashlights on Pearl Island, Tylenol in Ghana, Lice Shampoo for El Salvador, Kleenex for those in Appalachia, and hot chocolate mix for Care on the Square are not just items on a list - they are tools to be used to take the good news of salvation found in Jesus Christ to those who desperately need it.

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

If you look at the footnotes in most contemporary study Bibles, you will find that the story of Jesus forgiving the adulterous woman in John 8:1-11 is bracketed....

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

When Jesus says to eat His flesh, He is referencing the offering of His flesh on the cross, and that believing in His death for sin and forgiveness is “eating.” When Jesus says to drink His blood, He is referencing His blood being shed on the cross as the atonement for the sins of man and that believing in the power of His blood to forgive sins is “drinking.”

By Cuyahoga Valley Church