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The other day I was talking with a friend about the things that I have learned over the last few years as I have pursued my Master\'s degree in theology. I have learned a lot, but perhaps one of the most valuable things that I have learned is how to find good resources. Unless you…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

We\'re excited to announce another mission trip to South Sudan for this year!    We will serve alongside Harvesters Reaching the Nations Thursday, May 28th to Sunday, June 7th.  In Yei, South Suda we\'ll join Steve and Jackie Tuckerman, along with two of their children, Abby and Noah, as they over oversee a campus which includes an orphanage, hospital,…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Chad Allen, Lead Pastor The topic of physical fitness is tricky, dangerous, and delicate. It’s a road with lots of land mines because not all bodies are made the same and everyone’s journey is different. Some of us have been affected by addictions, injuries, age, disability, sickness or emotional trauma. So why am I…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

1. Embrace fully your present reality as a caregiver as the call of God, believing that your caregiving will be ultimately fulfilling for your life. 2. Recognize the face of Jesus in the one who is receiving your care, not allowing the other to live with their grief and pain alone. 3. Be truly aware…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Chad Allen, Lead Pastor CVC is starting 2015 with a week-long opportunity to meet for prayer as a church body called Seek Week. We will be asking God to stir our hearts for those who are not yet in a relationship with Christ.  We\'ll meet Monday, January 12th till Friday, January 16th 7PM-8:30PM.  Saturday…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Where We Started In July 1998, a team of 4 from CVC led by Rick Duncan visited Jim Haney, IMB missionary to Ghana. We toured the central, northern, and western regions of the country, visited the hospital at Nalerigu, encouraged and trained pastors near the hospital, visited the Baptist Seminary in Kumasi, showed the Jesus…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Greta Smith, Administrative Assistant of Community Life It’s fun to sit around with friends and family and have a good laugh about favorite gifts we’ve received for Christmas over the years, isn’t it? If you haven’t done this lately, think about making that an “ice breaker” at your Christmas gatherings this season. What would…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Of course I’ve been thinking…. Christmas, a time to reflect and live in the joy and peace found in the birth of Jesus, our Savior. Christmas reminds us that He came as the gift of heaven to make us by faith, sons and daughters of God. Christmas is the comfort all mankind needs; it displays…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Last year Eric & Sheena Kramer felt called to join Mexico Medical Missions to minister to the Tamahumara people. We\'ve been fortunate for them to share with us more about Christmas among the Tarahumara people. What are a few ways you celebrate Christmas where you serve? \"The Tarahumara don’t celebrate Christmas. A version of La Virgen de…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

This Christmas, I hope you find much to enjoy. Family. Friends. Fellowship. Fun. Food. Presents, too! I hope you experience all that and more as you celebrate Christ\'s birth. But when we read The Magnificat, Mary’s Song of Praise after she learned that she was pregnant with the Messiah, we see a sober warning. She…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Amber Hejl, Sevenoseveven Women\'s Director & Social Media Manager I realized this week that I don’t have a nativity set. As I pulled out my dusty collection of Christmas decorations from the basement, I mentally cataloged the past few years and couldn’t come up with placement of my nativity set. Then realized I simply…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

As we highlighted Ukraine in this week\'s \"Light of the World\" sermon series we were blessed to recieve insight from the Emery & Clara Lazlo who are serving in Ukraine through the International Mission Board.  When did you start serving in Ukraine? We started our service in Ukraine on April the 12th, 2007, and first…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church