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by Jeff Ziolkowski, Pastor of Technical Arts “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” This iconic line from the 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz brings to mind the toilings of some very wonderful servants of Cuyahoga Valley Church: Specifically those who serve as Technical Arts (TechArts) volunteers. At CVC we have a…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

Rick Duncan, Founding Pastor Lots of shame has been heaped on NFL and college football stars Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, and James Winston. Rice was seen on videotape hitting his fiancé. Peterson is accused of disciplining his son so harshly that it turned into child abuse. Winston was suspended for climbing on a table at…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Pastor Dean Siley, Pastor of Community Life SPIRITUAL CHEATING For the believers, God calls us His friends. But when we are friends with the world, James boldly says in James 4:4 that we are adulterous people. We are “spiritually cheating” on God when we sit on the fence and choose to be both friends…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

RELATIONSHIPS ARE VALUABLE. Not many people would push back on the value of having good relationships. It’s just that so very many of us aren’t quite sure what steps to take in creating and then maintaining relationships that are strong and Christ-centered. Even people who’ve had great role models in parents, mentors, friends, etc. would…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Josh Littler, CVCYouth 2010 Intern Food is great! Burgers, pizza, gyros, chicken teriyaki, fried chicken, ice cream — whatever it is, we Americans will probably eat it, and we don’t usually have trouble feeding ourselves. Why, then, does spiritual nourishment seem like such a difficult task? Many of us have heard the age-old mantra…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Pastor Rick Duncan, Founding Pastor/Pastoral of Missional Living and Leadership Development In my last post, we let you know about Cuyahoga Valley Church’s involvement with Open Table, coming alongside persons in poverty in order to not just give them a handout but give them a hand up. Read the testimonies below to see how…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Pastor Rick Duncan, Founding Pastor/Pastor of Missional Living and Leadership Development Cuyahoga Valley Church is partnering with Building Hope in the City, Bay Presbyterian Church, and Trinity Lutheran Church to come alongside persons in poverty in order to not just give them a handout but give them a hand up. We want to actually…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Chad Allen, Lead Pastor Freshening Up –VERB // making brighter and prettier Lots of young families are making their way to Cuyahoga Valley Church, and we are so very grateful that God is sending them here to experience new life in Christ. In addition to families coming on Sunday for services, throughout the week…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

I stumbled across the book \"Spiritual Parenting\" this year. Author Michelle Anthony, believes that our job as parents is to put our children in the path of God and His divine nature as much as possible, and the book promotes cultivating 10 specific environments in the home in order to do so. The environments are things…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Jane Rutti, Executive Team Project Manager EVENTS. LIFE IS FULL OF THEM. No one has to look very far to hear about or be asked to be a part of an event, whether it’s our family, work-related, maybe social—there are plenty. And at Cuyahoga Valley Church, events are the norm as well. So why…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Pastor Chad Allen, Lead Pastor Just wanted to share a little encouragement/exhortation with you.  Recently, when I read through our CVC Bible Reading Plan (which I hope all of you are engaged in and enjoying), Isaiah 22:8-11 (ESV) really struck me: [8] He has taken away the covering of Judah. In that day you…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Meri Sikora, Curriculum Writer CVCKids Ahhh, the dinner table … round or rectangular, wooden or plastic, regular or café height … there it sits, waiting for you each day. What’s on yours right now? Homework? Junk mail? One of those fancy scented candle centerpieces? Nothing? (If that’s you, please email me with your tips…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church