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By Jane Rutti, Executive Team Project Manager   A couple of years back on a beautiful day, I was driving with two of my young grandsons to a fun destination when the topic of heaven came up.  It was insightful and enjoyable to hear them talk and inform me about heaven—what was there and what…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Greta Smith, Administrative Assistant, Community LifeResponding to the prompting of my heart to take a trip down “Memory Lane” one recent Sunday, I decided to gas up the car and head a few hours east to the part of Ohio where I was born and lived until the age of 8. I felt the…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church
By Cuyahoga Valley Church
By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Leigh-Ann Brisbin, Director of Women’s LifeGroups“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you do not turn from it to the right or to the left… Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Pastor Joe Valenti, CVCYouth PastorOne of the hottest commodities in the world is time. We don’t know how much of it we have, and we can never get it back.Time keeps on moving and time matters. Because these things are true, we need to steward our time well.In Matthew 10 and Luke 9, Jesus instructs…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Pastor Rick Duncan I recently read a blog post that I found insightful and, frankly, disturbing. It appeared on Thom Rainer’s blog and was written by Chuck Lawless.  As I read the blog and the comments, I began to wonder, “What keeps CVC-ers from inviting friends to CVC? What are the issues in NE Ohio that…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Pastor Rick DuncanI recently read a blog post that I found insightful and, frankly, disturbing. It appeared on Thom Rainer’s blog and was written by Chuck Lawless.  As I read the blog and the comments, I began to wonder, “What keeps CVC-ers from inviting friends to CVC? What are the issues in NE Ohio that we…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

By Pastor Joe Valenti, CVCYouth PastorI’m pretty passionate about how Christians are to be using their money. It has been an area of deep change in my heart and life over the past 10 years, and I have grown in my Biblical convictions about how and where we should be giving our money.Tithing is introduced…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church

by Jane RuttiThe newly-installed cross hanging above the CVC foyer bannister is a work of the heart from the team at Poelking Carpentry, in particular the father/son combo of John and Nick Poelking.Nick (son) came up with the concept—the segmented, reclaimed wood look.John (Dad) poured his carpentry skills into this work, realizing this style would…

By Cuyahoga Valley Church