Broadview Heights Campus

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Women’s Ministry

The women's ministry at CVC exists for the equipping, discipleship, and development of women in their faith.

The goal of this ministry is to help women come to know the Lord more deeply by growing in knowledge of and confidence in His Word. We desire to have a women’s ministry where women can come to find new life in Christ, and where they can continue to grow in their Christian walk while in community with other women.

Women’s LifeGroups

On Wednesday mornings and evenings, CVC women gather to study the Bible together so that they can come to know the Lord more deeply by growing in knowledge of and confidence in His Word. These gatherings include a large group teaching time followed by breakout Life Groups with small group study, discussion, and prayer.

This fall, our Wednesday on-campus Women’s LifeGroups will be studying the book of Exodus. We will utilize revamped Sermon-Based Study Guides and study the text from CVC’s sermons each week. Using sermon recap videos and additional teaching, we will be able to dive deeper into the passages for each week as the whole church walks through the book of Exodus together. We would love for you to join our Women’s Wednesday LifeGroups this fall! Our time together begins with large group teaching, and then we break out into smaller groups for discussion and prayer.

Wednesdays at CVC | 10:00am-12:00pm | 7:00pm-9:00pm

Childcare provided
Starting 1.17.24

Contact Becca Ferguson for more information.

Women’s Life Groups that meet for small group study, discussion, and prayer at other times, either on CVC’s campus or within someone’s home, are also available.


Mommunity is not currently meeting.  Check back late summer for updates!  For more information contact Traci Schimpf.


Momtourage is a group of moms with young children (infants-kindergartners) who have decided not to parent alone. Our goal is come alongside Mamas and   support them as we venture through the joys, trials, successes, and failures of early motherhood together. We gather monthly (2nd Thursday 9:30-11:15 am) for fellowship and growth as well as play dates and Moms nights out September – May. The cost is $50 for the season. For more information and to REGISTER, please visit our website here.

Mission FIT

Meets every Wednesday in room LL100 at the Broadview Heights Campus.
Workout, 9-10 AM; Bible Study, 10:15-11:30 AM

MissionFIT: Faith Infused (physical) Training for your God given mission.
Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. When we move our bodies in healthy ways we get to honor God through movement as an act of worship. We also infuse God’s word into our minds and hearts as we speak His word out loud while moving in various ways to increase body awareness, strength, endurance, energy and emotional healing while simultaneously memorizing scripture. All ages and fitness levels are welcome as we are empowered by God’s Word!