We passionately believe that every person at CVC should live in authentic, caring community that is rooted in Christ, grounded in God’s Word and established in love.
Believers at CVC regularly gather face-to-face in Life Groups where they can cultivate safe, meaningful and spiritual friendships. We believe that growth happens best when we are in community—not in isolation—so that when we face life’s problems, we have a group of people around us praying for us, encouraging us, checking in on us, visiting us, and challenging us toward spiritual growth and maturity.
A LifeGroup is a small group, usually 8-12 people, that gathers regularly. LifeGroups are a vehicle by which our adults, students and children actively journey toward greater spiritual growth and authentic Christ-centered relationships by pursuing the Fruit Of New Life (FONL) through recognition and growth as a Beloved Child, Self-Feeder, Servant, Investor, Discipler, Missionary.