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Our “God-Haunted” Age

By Pastor Josh Stone I have recently been reading a book about the influential Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor. His book A Secular Age asks this question: “Why was it virtually...


Genesis Resources

Here are some follow-up resources to help you dig deeper into this past Sunday’s message from Genesis 3. The Bible Among the Myths by John Oswalt Ancient Near Eastern Thought...


Beloved Child

By Bill Morgan, LifeGroup leader of CVCYouth I have a handful of personal notes from my father and mother written to me over the years. In no way were they...


Let The Little Children Come To Me

By Pastor Nate Green “Now they were bringing even infants to Him that He might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them...


Extending Forgiveness

By Pastor Rick Duncan Several months ago, my friend’s dad was dying in the hospital with severe liver failure due to alcoholism. It had been years since my friend had...


What “Thou Shall Not Covet” Means, and Why You Don’t Want To

By Pastor Josh Stone Never in the history of humankind has it been so easy to covet so many people in so little time. Through social media we see the...


The Place of Prayer

By Pastor Dale Piscura I’ve been thinking about the place of prayer in our lives as followers of Jesus Christ. It seems to me that every believer recognizes the need...



By Verna Plagge, Supply Manager for CVCKids Change is difficult for me, and 2014 has had lots of changes for me – some positive, some negative. In April, a trip...


The Places of Hurt

By Pastor Rick Duncan Joseph was from a classic dysfunctional family. Joseph had 3 step-mothers, 10 step-brothers, and 1 full brother all living in the same house at the same...



By Eric and Anne Mendheim, CVCYouth LifeGroup leaders As we serve the students of CVCYouth, and raise teenagers in our own home, we are constantly being challenged to utilize social...


Why Evangelicals Are Suspicious of Evolution

By Pastor Josh Stone Many people in our society are surprised to hear that Christians, particularly evangelical Christians, often do not believe in “evolution.” 64% of evangelicals believe humans did...


God Dependence–  A Better Plan

By Jane Rutti If we’re honest with ourselves, no doubt as Christians we would have to admit that consistently depending on God can be struggle. Our human nature—as well as...